Grandpa Lemmer, his Grandson Lucas, and the Four Polar Bears at the Zoo



Every year, Eduardo H. Schindel-Bidinelli from Bad Krozingen, Germany, sends us a Christmas tale, that he writes for his friends and their families.

On Christmas Eve in the morning, Grandpa Lemmer took his grandson Lucas to the zoo. Grandpa did that so Lucas’s parents have a little time for themselves on that day.

Lucas asked: “Grandpa, where are we going?” – “We’re going to go see the polar bears and I have to tell you a funny story.”

“You know, in the past the bears used to live at the Arctic Circle in the land of perpetual ice and were comfortable there. Then one day, some of the bears were caught when they were young – just like you – and were put in the zoo.”
“Look, Grandpa, there they are! Four white bears!  Awe, that’s just beautiful.” All of a sudden, Grandpa Lemmer and Lucas heard a bell ring and for some reason they could hear the polar bears speak. “The ringing comes from me, Santa Claus. It is a gift for the two of you, Grandpa Lemmer and Lucas!” They could not believe it.

Bored and sad, the 4 polar bears sat in their area in the zoo.

“Do you know what Christmas means?” the big one asked the other big polar bears.

“Christmas is an annual holiday…” the third one explained to the others. “The people make each other gifts like bikes, cars, jewellery or neck ties. And the children get anything they wish for,” the fourth polar bear said. “And what do we get for Christmas?” the first polar bear asked.  “Grandpa, did you hear that?” – “Yes, Lucas, hush, there they continue…”

“We have to stay here and get an extra piece of fish, fresh salmon.” – “What else are they doing, the humans?” the first one asked again. “On Christimas, they go to a child. I know that from Lucas our little boy who always comes to visit us with Grandpa Lemmer.” the fourth Polar Bear said that directing at Lucas. “They are talking about us, Grandpa!”

“I wanna go there, too. It’s so boring here”, the second complained. “Let´s bail!” – ” YES!” They put their heads together and began to discuss. And all four agreed to break out of the zoo. The guard would not be very alert at that time of year, anyway. That is because he loved to eat gingerbread and drank a lot of hot spiced wine with it. That is what he had done all the previous years. On the morning of Christimas Eve only few people were at the zoo, mostly grandparents with their grandchildren. The parents had a lot to do at home on that day. “Grandpa, they are talking about us, the polarbears. This is going to be exciting.”

Shortly before the zoo closed, Andy the zookeeper came around to wish his friends the polar bears a Merry Christmas. The four bear were hanging their heads over the wall Andy always leaned his bike against. “I´ll be there in a minute!” Andy shouted, and rushed to the entrance but left the gate open.

At exactly that moment the polar bears escaped through the gate and the first one climbed on the bicycle seat. He was astonished how he had become so  light. The second took his place on the carrier, the third on the handlebar, and the fourth climbed on top.

Grandpa Lemmer and Lucas could not believe what they saw. Of course, they followed the polar bears and found them downtown at the Christmas market.

Everything worked, the four big bears drove down the street ringing the bells on their bike until they arrived in the market square. There were many stalls and the smell of gingerbread, honey and hot spiced wine lingered in the air. The people there panicked and ran away. The four bears, however, did not mind. Even when the alarmed people shouted: “Call the police, call the police, somebody!”

The bears did not care about them, they were looking for the child, who had to be there somewhere – the child, who makes every wish come true, even if it is outright impossible. “Come on, we have to hurry.”

Then finally, they found the child. It was lying in a crib at a barn. “It is made out of wood,” the first bear said with disappointment.

“Whatever!” We are going to make a wish, anymay!” the second one said.

“We wish to be home again at the Arctic Circle where our ancestors lived,” all four said simultaneously. And at the drop of a hat, it had already happened: The four polar bears had disappeared, the market quare was as before crowded with people. In the meantime, the police had arrived to catch the bears. They could not believe it, such a thing had never happend to them either.


For Grandpa Lemmer and Lucas it was the most beautiful Christmas experience ever.

You know, where the polar bears are now, don´t you? – No! Not at the zoo, the four are back at the Arctic Circle, where once their grandpas had been caught and brought to the zoo. Well, and if you do not believe me, you can go to the zoo. You will not find them there.

Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!

Eduardo Schindel-Bidinelli


This post is also available in: German